September 11, 2014

Creating a Self Care Plan

So, you've had your baby and are settled at home. Visitors have come and gone, meals have been dropped off and your freezer stocked up.

It's been a couple of weeks and you're going stir crazy.

Creating (and sticking to) a self care plan can remind you that you are more than just a mom, more than just a boob. It can help you get back to who you were pre-pregnancy, and give you a space to breathe.

Use the chart below to schedule your self care time, and consider the following:

What did you love to do before you were pregnant?
Are there certain places that you enjoyed going?
When was the last time you took yourself out for lunch?
Do you enjoy going to the spa for a massage or pedicure?
Who can you rely on for childcare to ensure that you have one day/evening a week for self care?

Need an accountability partner? Shoot me a message! I will gladly help you and make sure you are taking some time out to take care of your soul!


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