April 2, 2012

Blogger {at} BlogHer12: Introduce Yourself

Well, hello there!

Linking up with my roomies from BlogHer12 in a new blogpost called....

What's it all about? Well, it's a chance for a few of us mama bloggers to connect and learn about one another, and our journey's to BlogHer before we even get there. Pretty appropriate since this week is all about my sponsors!

This weeks theme is Introduce Yourself and Your Blog

So...hello! I'm Shannon...great-greaddaughter of Stella {where the idea of Sweet Stella's came from, clearly}.

I am an artist, with a clear and inspired vision in abstract paintings, journals and hand sculpted art for your home as well as wearable art for yourself.

I am a mom to an incredible little {very busy} boy named Owen, who I love with my whole heart. Without him, I don't think my world would be filled with colour.

I am a wife to an amazing man, Colin, who loves me with his whole heart {a sentiment which i happily return.}

I'm just me.

My blog? Well, it's all about inspiration and creativity. It supports mompreneurs and other crafty types. It helps spread the word about neat and cool companies in London, Ontario, and hopefully...it entertains!

What about you? Are YOU off to BlogHer12? Hope to meet you!


Rebecca Nash said...

Love the blog hop! I'm excited to be heading off to BlogHer12 with you and so many other fantastic women, bloggers, and business women!

You've inspired me to join in so I'm hopping over to my blog at www.rebeccanashphotography.com/apps/blog to post a little intro of my own!

Flora said...

Hi Shannon, I'll be heading to BlogHer for the very first time this summer. Hope to see you there!

Shaun said...

I think it goes without saying that I'm SO SO SO SO SO EXCITED TO FINALLY MEET YOU!

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