February 3, 2015

Setting Monthly Intentions

One thing that I have learned over the past two years of meditative practice is that when we set an intention, with our whole heart and entire being, often that intention is met and that need is fulfilled.

Every month, right here in this moment, I want you to take pause.
Be Still
Be Present

What is it that your heart craves?

Is there an element to your life that you sincerely wish could be better? Set an intention for what you want, what you crave.

If it helps to have a visual of your intention, write it down and put the piece of paper in a jar. Then at the end of the year, reflect on all of them and see which ones were fulfilled. Even when you reflect on the ones that didn't come to fruition, you may notice that they weren't really what you needed and an intention that your heart set all on its own edged its way forward.

Do this at the start of each and every month, and take note of how your heart feels when you make them.

Hold onto that energy and go be amazing.

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