December 31, 2014

My Year in Review #coaching #reflections #yearinreview

Yesterday, I posted a graphic to make you take a few moments to let the happenings of 2014 sink in and let you evaluate the things that happened to, and for you.

Today, I wanted to keep myself accountable and post my own reflections.

My word of the year was Grow...

I did just that.

10 Goals Accomplished
  • exhibition in a Toronto Gallery
  • running through my pregnancy and completing a 5km race at 8 months pregnant
  • staying true to my goals and not compromising for anyone
  • signing up for the WDW Marathon 10km
  • having blogposts through the end of the year completed by May 12th so I can focus my energies on clients and new projects
  • developing new projects for 2015
  • running a successful charity campaign
  • grow the time spent meditating and being mindful
  • start juicing
  • secure my position as an expert in my field, own it, grow it, know it
5 Happy Accidents
  • the creation of mobiles
  • feathers turning into wall art
  • the best customer ever in Idaho
5 Regrets
  • now growing the time spent with my husband enough; we grew it a little (especially during pregnancy) but not nearly enough
3 Ways You Helped
  • started teaching workshops and seminars with Shop Local
  • helped a good friend realize her own inner strength and encouraged her to stand up for herself
  • helped my BFF with her Thirty One business and supported her at her first vendor event
3 Things Forgotten
  • mom guilt...and forgotten as in I do not have time for it, so it just doesn't exist for me. I know I'm doing the best that I can for my boys, and that my priority is a happy, healthy I can be a good mama for them
  • in I forgot how bizarre of a time it can be at around 8months pregnant
  • those who didn't positively impact my journey; sometimes, you truly just have to let them go
Notice how not everything is filled out? That's okay. This is my journey, and it will be entirely different than yours.

This year was pretty incredible. We celebrated birth, we mourned loss. We grew as a family, grew closer to those who truly matter. We embraced new challenges, found beauty in times of darkness, and emerged through it all together.

So how will this shape my 2015?

I have some big projects on the go, so if blog posts aren't daily...I apologize in advance. I am currently working on a book, inspired by my gallery exhibition Purpose, and have a slew of other ideas in my journal for future books. 2015 will be all about curating inspiration and stories of purpose.

Happy 2014, friends. Thank you for being there throughout this past year to witness our growth and to grow your own journey's!

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