Do you ever read a book that speaks directly into your soul? That's what my experience with Let's All Be Brave by Annie F. Downs has been.
It's been taking me some time to formulate the words for this review. My view has shifted over the past year or so, as you've probably noticed, and I have been gravitating toward feeding my soul rather than writing or doing things on a whim. When I was given the opportunity to review Let's All Be Brave from publisher Zondervan, I jumped at the chance to imerse myself in a book that speaks to how I live.
Living Life with Everything You Have
How empowering a statement is that? For me, very, especially fresh off of giving birth to a beautiful boy and solidifying my whole purpose of being.
Downs speaks about courage, and how to find the courage to live with purpose, follow your path and live with everything you have. Everything. YOU. Have. In her first few sentences, she establishes herself as a person who is not brave in the least. She cries. She doesn't take risks. She leaves herself vulnerable.
After reading more and more in her beautiful book, I have to say that I see her as a very brave person. Who else can pour their heart and soul into something, have it published, and put it out there for the world to see? A brave person, that's who.
Downs asks her readers to please do that thing in your heart that scares you to death. And I'm interested to know, what scares YOU to death? What petrifies you at the mere thought of it, yet you can't stop thinking about it? For me, the fear of failure is what plagues me when I am faced with a new challenge.
Am I strong enough to climb the ropes and do Warrior Dash with my bests?
Do I have enough endurance to run a half marathon?
What if I fail?
But that's where this whole being brave thing kicks in. What if I succeed? What if I excel? Hell...what if I dominate?
What I learned by reading Let's All Be Brave is that everyone is afraid. Every single one of us. But all we can do is try. We can make the decision to be brave.
Follow your path, fine your purpose and for heaven's brave!
Disclaimer: I was provided an ebook copy of Let's All Be Brave for the purposes of this review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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