April 30, 2014

Expect the Bull*hit #coaching

Well the first quarter of the year has come to a close. At this point of the year, alot are starting to feel the stress of not keeping New Yeras Resolutions, looking at Q1 goals and sales stats, and possibly feeling let down.

You know what I think?

That means the excuses from yourself, the bull*hit that others tell you, and all of those unmet resolutions.

Why accept anything less than your best?
Why accept the bull*hit that others tell you?
Why not stick to your goals, keep your head up and push forward?

Sure, the goals may take longer than you expect to accomplish, but that doesn't meat that you should give up and throw in the towel.

It's like going for a run. It might not be as fast as the one you accomplished yesterday. Your pace might be off. You may have to walk more than you run.

But you stuck with it. You didn't accept the bull*hit.

So don't accept it in other areas of your life.

1 comment:

mel said...

yup, I needed this today :)

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