I bet that title caught your attention! Do I ever have a treat for you today!!
DecoArt is celebrating the 12 Days of Christmas by featuring different and beautiful ornaments, and I'm thrilled to have been asked to paint a special one to go on our tree for this year.
I couldn't think of a better ornament to symbolize my year creatively than a painting a mini canvas with Americana Acrylics and Metallic paints, than hanging them by the white lights on our tree.
Each canvas is about 2"x3". After they were dry, I attached ribbon to them so that they will hang for all to see!
Now onto the fun part...the giveaway! DecoArt Inc. is giving away one heck of a prize...a stocking FULL of fun art and craft supplies!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I bought mini canvases but never thought of using them as ornaments! Thanks for sharing!
This would be great!
I hope some of the clear Chalkboard coating is in the stocking! I have lots of ideas for projects with that. :)
OMG I would love to win this - all my paints are drying out (they are super old) and with your daily inspiration paired with a pinterest addiction I have a long list of DIY projects that need some creative touches!
Would love glass paint!
Love the reusable stencils.
Oh! It would be so hard to pick what I'd want to win! The clear chalkboard paint is wicky cool though!!
The stick on stencils
I hope some Ink effects are in there!
Ohhhhh I would LOVE some chalkboard paints!!
Would love to see anything from the glass paint collection in the stocking!
Paper effects and all of the snow products...are on top of my list. Would love so many more too.
brush cleaner
I would love some glass paint!
I think the Dazzling Metallics look really cool and I'd love to make the Peach Tray.
Glass paint and mini canvas!
Such a cute idea! I <3 art supplies!
Reusable stencils and some acrylic paints would be amazing!
I would love some paint. Mine is so old I'm not sure it's liquid anymore :/
The glass stains would be fun to try out.
I would love to find some glamour dust and acrylic paint in my stocking this year! I have been recently bedazzling bras for partying and raves using rhinestones and fabric glue. It would be cool to decorate a few tops in sparkling glitter! :) I love art and crafts. Drawing is my escape from the real world. It allows me to express my emotions and release my negativity. I hope I win! Thank you for holding this giveaway!
I love all the DecoArt products but my favourite is Glamour dust and I am going to experiment with Ink Effects during the holidays
This would be awesome! I just moved out and my mom and sisters kept most of our crafting supplies, so this would help start my own collection!
Would love to try the ink effects!
The ink effects and glamour dust sound really cooll!
This is such a great giveaway! Thank you for hosting it. I use DecoArt craft paint and ink effects allllllll the time.
I am just going to comment again because I really want to win! I have been trying to get gifts together for my family for a while! I am a broke college student, and although expensive gifts are nice, handmade ones are much more genuine and special<3 I'd love to decorate some ornaments for our tree this year! I love the Family Photo and Snow Time Penguin ideas on DecoArt's website!
Their glass paint looks like it would be fun to play with!
Ahhhh! It's almost time! Good luck ladies! Fingers crossed!
I want to win the stocking for my gf so we can do crafts together. She would like new paint and glitter to make ornaments.
Mark Dziengiel
I love metallics I would love to win a stocking as I lost so many surfaces and paint in hurricane Sandy. But who ever wins should have a great time using the products. Happy holidays
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