August 5, 2013

Coaching Moments: Alleviating Stress

Stress, for me, is the number one productivity killer.

The first thing that I work on with all of my coaching clients is identifying their areas of stress and come up with a plan to combat it.

More often than not, their stress stems from feeling overwhelmed by a massive to-do list, specific tasks that we identify that need to be taken care of fairly immediately, and the overwhelming fear of what if this doesn't work?

We work on cord cutting; getting rid of the negative energy in our lives to open ourselves up to the positive. We work on positive affirmations and meditation to ground up and give us a new sense of focus. We work on harnessing the stress and turning it into creative energy.

When we take control of that stress and look at it from a more positive angle, we are able to go forth, and be a better version of our selves.

How do you deal with stress? Let's work on it together with empowerment coaching!


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