February 6, 2013

New Year New Home...with Tupperware

Do your cupboards overfloweth with a bounty of baking supplies?

Baking crumbs
Baking Soda
Baking Powder

The list goes on and on for me; I think I literally have every ingredient out there {even molasses!} and did you know that all of that packaging is exposed to pesticide sprays in the back of the grocery store? It's true! When I met with Tupperware Consultant Leslie Owen, she educated me on packaging and pest control practices at the grocery store.
Part of what I love about the Modular Mates is that you can get all of your supplies out of their packaging and into an airtight container, which not only preserves their shelf life, but also keeps out nasty creepy crawly bugs that could find their way into your home {especially in the warmer months when they seem to just appear out of nowhere!} and gets rid of the packaging that has been sprayed with pest control measures in the back of the grocery store stock room.

I also love that they are stackable, which makes them natural space savers. While we have alot of cupboard space, they're narrow and were custom built so the shelves are a little difficult to move around. The Tupperware Modular Mates neatly store all of my ingredients, and I can see everything at one glance, which saves me time in my busy schedule.

Modular Mates are available in three colours {black, blue and red}, and come in a variety of sizes. The large  square perfectly fit my flour, and I love the small oval for my brown sugar. Storage for brown sugar is something that always drives me bonkers. I find that it always hardens and becomes one big lump of sugar, which means I have to get a new bag and lose money in the process. The Modular Mates solve that issue with the airtight seal; fresh sugar, all the time!

Get your cupboards in shape for the new year with a set of Modular Mates from Tupperware!

*Disclaimer: This post in the New Year New Home series was sponsored by Leslie Owen, Independant Tupperware Consultant. I was provided the Modular Mates to review, and was compensated in return for advertising her wonderful brand. 



Mel said...

That looks better! And so much more space now!

Unknown said...

We need to do this! Our cabinets are horrible!

Maggie S. said...

I love Tupperware!!! One of these days, I'd love to do my whole pantry.

Shan said...

I highly recommend the Modular Mates for getting more space in your cupboard. It's CRAZY how organized it is...and is STAYING! I take them out, bake, and put them back in!

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