August 29, 2012

DIY Upcycled Bedsheet Fringed Garlands

A couple of weeks ago, I was brainstorming how to decorate our home for my best friends baby shower.

The theme was a You Are My Sunshine type shower, in grey, white and yellow and I wanted something that was easy, but stylish and something that I could drape in doorways, across our fireplace and our 13' spruce shelf near where guests would be sitting.

What'd I do? I got two double/full size flat sheets, a pair of scissors and I started cutting.

Step 1: pick out your bedsheets

Step 2: cut sections 6" wide and the whole length of the sheet

Step 3: cut thinner strips as accents {or even easier...get yourself some spools of ribbon!}

Step 3: cut your 6" wide sections into strips. Be sure not to cut all the way to the top. You'll be left with a really long fringed piece of fabric {which is awesome in and of itself}

Step 4: tie your thinner strips {and ribbon}

Step 5: swag across door ways, fireplaces, wherever you'd like!

Seriously, one of the easiest things I've done in terms of decor. I tied the yellow and charcoal ribbons on with just one knot so that I can replace them and use the fringed garlands over and over.

Pastels for Easter

Red and gold for Christmas

Orange and black for Halloween

The possibilities are endless from just a simple bedsheet that otherwise would have been thrown away!

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