May 9, 2012

WAHM Wednesday: Blogging for the Love of It!

One of the seminars that really has my wheels turning is the Blogging For The Love Of It seminar on day1 of BlogHer.

It got me thinking about why I blog....about this little niche in the blogosphere that I've carved out for my artsy self.

Why do I blog? What do I get out of it?

Is it just to put out my art and products, get feedback and hopefully some customers?

The simple answer is no to all of that.

The longer answer...

I blog because I love to write. It has always come really naturally for me and I find that it is a really organic fit with the art that I do. I get to create something, start to finish, and then share it with the world. How often do you get that opportunity?

I blog because I have something to share. Yes, I blog about my house and my family, about who we are, local businesses, other mompreneurs and my little artsy company...but I blog because I have something to share.

It might be interesting home decor tip...maybe even a DIY tutorial

For me, it's about sharing and getting the creative ideas out there.

I'm really excited about this seminar at BlogHer and think that it will be amazing to connect with other like minded bloggers who blog just for the love of it.

Why do you blog?

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