June 22, 2015

Do's and Dont's of Postnatal Pelvic Floor Recovery

When I had this post scheduled in my editorial calendar, I had every intention of writing about the do's and dont's of pelvic floor recovery. You know...what exercises to do, how often, and all of that stuff...but then I attended a seminar by The Mama's Physio and I learned some really amazing things that I wanted to share with you!

Did you know that there are different types of pelvic floors? I had seriously no idea! It can be high or low, strong, relaxed..even short or long. I found Ibbie's seminar absolutely fascinating and the key takeaway? What many think are kegal exercises are actually not, and more often than not...they don't do a darn thing. I had no idea that the glutes and pelvic floor have to both be strong to function optimally.

I also learned that after we give birth, we actually shouldn't expect to pee when we sneeze. I assumed that this was a regular side effect from housing a baby in your uterus and then giving birth vaginally, but in fact it indicates that there are pelvic floor issues that need to be assessed and tended to.

A photo posted by Shannon Moyer-Szemenyei (@sweetstellas) on
Other things that are often brushed aside by doctors as just another sign of being a woman and having carried babies...pelvic pain, pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, and pain during sex. I had no idea that those female reproductive issues were things to take note of and things that a physiotherapist could help with!

One of the exercises that we were led in was drawing in long, deep breaths. Seems simple, right? But when do you do it, are you aware of where your pelvic floor is? Do you imagine it rising and falling? Do you feel the connection it have in terms of movement with your diaphragm?

I could go on and on about the seminar and all of the knowledge that Ibbie shared with us, but I really truly think that the best thing do do is tell you to go see her, or invite her over to your home for an assessment. What you may be dealing with during pregnancy or postpartum could very well be treatable, but you won't know unless you see someone with the expertise to help!


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