So...someone decided it was time to pop out, and after measuring 2 weeks ahead at my 30 week appointment, I was certainly freaking out last week!
Today, we found that I'm in fact not measuring ahead, but right on track. Whew! I think my husband and I both breathed a sigh of relief and I definitely feel like we have a wee bit more time to prepare, and a little less pressure.
Maternity Clothes: Pretty exclusively at this point, but I do have some longer non-maternity tunics that I'm wearing from time to time. Oh and maxi skirts! It was chilly today, hence the sweater and jeans, but I'm so glad that Spring is here...with Summer right around the corner.
Stretch Marks: A few new red ones here and there, but really...who cares?
Weight: +16lbs overall! (avg. at 1lb/week over the past few months)
Sleep: Switching positions is becoming slightly painful since my belly is heavy.
Best Pregnancy Moment: Hubs feeling hiccups last week. It was pretty neat. Aside from that, we had our first meeting with our Doula Jena and she made me feel so.freaking.empowered about this whole experience and the decisions that we've made together as a husband and wife, mom and dad for our family.
Movement: He's pretty much in one position now (head down, back over on my left, feet in the middle) but every now and then he will roll over to have his back on the other side and it's like everything inside of me shifts! CRAZY!
Food Cravings: This week it's been kolbasa, cheese and crackers but it gave me wicked indigestion last night so...time to move along!
Gender: It's a BOY!! (read here)
Names: 4 weeks until I'm term, 7 weeks until my due date. You'll find out soon, I promise!
Symptoms: Crying. Oh Grey' killed me last night. I've officially told my two best's that they're not allowed to move away anywhere, ever. For the rest of life.
Exercise: So after my last race (recap HERE), I have zero desire to run. Ha! Well, for the most part. Yesterday I woke up with a feeling of "oooh let's go for a run!" Then, I saw it was raining and thought "oooh...let's snuggle on the couch!" Basically, I'm living my normal every day life, chasing around a 4 year old and I figure that counts.
What I Miss: Rolling over without my belly clenching itself. Honestly, that painful cramp does not feel good at all.
What I'm looking Forward To: Getting my beautiful hospital bag from Baily Belle!! She's been working so hard on it, you can see it here!
Oh I am not pregnant and I cried over Grey's too. I am going to miss Christina!
Big difference this week! Almost time!
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