September 18, 2013

Painting with Bubbles

It's time to get a little nostalgic here at Sweet Stella's!

Do you remember creating paintings in grade school with bubbles and watered down paint?

There are a few different methods for creating these unique bubble paintings. First, you can blow bubbles {or let your children as long as you are sure that they will not suck up the liquid} into a cup or shallow dish and let them overflow onto your canvas or paper. Allow them to settle and pop themselves, and leave interesting marks on the surface.

Alternatively, you can gently pour some of the liquid onto your surface and use a straw to blow bubbles. This will give more color saturation than the first method, but it is harder to blow a good amount of bubbles and really you will end up just moving the liquid around on the surface.

Personally, I like the first method better. It might be a bit messier, but I love the look.

Try it out with your kids, and post a link to a photo of your finished product! I'd love to see them!

Tip: Make sure to not water down your paint too much. The more water, the less color for your painting! Add in a few drops of dish soap to make big, big bubbles!


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