September 30, 2013

Currently I'm...breathing

Time for September's Currently I' I had it all written out, and it was heavily saturated with all things baby...

being excited to find out the gender in a few months
deciding on names

things of that nature

It's a little different now, but it's still hopeful

Reading...The Design Cookbook by Kelly Edwards (yes still...because I cannot.get.enough!)
Playing...meditations every night to help my weary soul heal
Watching...Grey's premiere last week! hold onto hope even when my heart hurts
Cooking...easy breakfasts for the Bear and freezing them
Eating...trying to eat healhy and clean as it is really helping with mental clarity
Drinking...Strawberry Watermelon wine
Texting....Hubs all.the.time (well when his phone works anyway)
Pinning...All the things for Halloween
Tweeting...pieces from my Etsy shop
Crafting...Halloween pumpkins for our mantle
Scrapping...nothing! well as you can imagine, maybe a little bit better. Like I said, I'm holding onto hope even in the darkest of moments and trying to breathe run another 5km next weekend
Loving...our friends for being there
Hating...that's a really strong word and this life is too short for that junk
Discovering...just how strong I really am
Enjoying...having a 3 year old running around my feet
Thinking...that life is what we make it, therefore I choose to be happy
Hoping (for)...beautiful weather this weekend for Color Me Rad
Listening (to)...My little dude singing Bruce Springsteen
Celebrating...the life that we have
Smelling...FALL!!! It's finally fall! lucky stars for a supportive husband
Considering...what's next birthday sad it's gone
Starting...a whole new month with such promise and hope

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Strawberry Watermelon WINE?!?!?! Share!

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