January 2, 2013

Vacation Inspiration: Dr. Suess Trees

Since we are actually in sunny Florida this month, I figured that I would write a few posts about the awesome inspiration that I get to experience by changing from the frigid cold climate where my studio is {SouthWestern Ontario} and coming down to the sunny {and warm} south.

One of my most favourite spots on the entire resort is my inlaws patio. It overlooks a pond and these trees that stand way up above the others.

We call them Dr. Suess trees...don't they look like something that Sam I Am would bounce around on? Maybe something that Thing 1 and Thing 2 would jump from branch to branch and jump down into the pond?


Maybe it's just my crazy artist brain, but they're pretty fantastic and you really should see them at sunset. They're just gorgeous.

What do they inspire? Well...paintings of course, but abstract interpretation of these whimsical trees. I can picture a whole series of 18 paintings to be shown in a gallery...

Sounds like I have some work ahead of me!



Maggie S. said...

What kind of trees are they? They look like the trees in "Go, Dog, GO!"

Shan said...

Looks like they are called Thatches Screwpine's or Hala trees!

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