April 11, 2012

WAHM Wednesday: Updates!

So this journey to BlogHer is really heating up!

So far, I've...

  • met with my amazing fashion designer, Kristine
  • secured sponsorship for my flight
  • booked the hotel
  • collaborated with Amber on accessories
  • finalized the design of my messenger bag with Tina
  • finalized the design of my new business cards being printed by TPH

Everything's coming along tickety-boo as they say {do they still say that??} and I'm really excited that the conference is only 5 months away.

Still on the to-do list...

  • finalize a makeup sponsor and try to do something with my mug {...errr...face}
  • figure out a hairstyle that is going to work for the summer and still be trendy for the conference
  • continue on with sponsor posts the first week of every month
  • decide on what seminars and workshops I will be attending
  • blog about said workshops and seminars
  • figure out what places in NYC I really really want to make my way to with my roomies

How is your journey coming?

1 comment:

Rebecca Nash said...

Amazing! I can't believe if it wasn't for that coffee date ages ago that I would never have known about BlogHer - you've introduced me to so many fantastic opportunities!

I'm excited to have you on board as my first sponsor and looking forward to working together!

I still have a lot more on my to do list but making steady progress! Counting the days!

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